
The History page is a historical stock database going back to 2009 with every trading day for every ticker traded on the US Exchanges.


Use filters to search for when any ticker in the last 13 years met specific scanning criteria. Then review the results, click through charts for easy review, see the news related to the day of the move and even download data for more in-depth analysis in Excel or Google Sheets.

Historical News

All of the records in the Historical Scanning section are automatically connected to the News window, which will show you all of the press releases that date back to the day of your scan helping you see what the relevant marketing moving news was on that day.

Market Stats

View a quick snapshot of daily/intraday performance related to the days that were returned for each ticker that met your filter criteria. We plan to support custom calculations in the Market Stats very soon!

Feedback: Send us feedback on your experience with the History page. We are constantly looking for opportunities to expand the functionality of the platform.

Last updated