How To Use Chart Indicators
Chart indicators are analytical tools that allow users to analyze and evaluate various financial and statistical metrics for a stock. These indicators are built on mathematical models running in the background. On the platform, there are several indicators you can use to customize the chart display to your desired trading strategy.
Here are the instructions on how to apply indicators on a chart:
Click on the Indicators tab available on the top left-hand corner of the Chart.
A comprehensive list of indicators will appear. Select your desired indicator(s). (From this list, you can choose multiple indicators to be displayed on your Chart.)
As an example, we have selected the ‘Accum/Dist’ indicator. See below, the modifications made to the initial chart after we selected this indicator.
How to Save Indicator Preferences:
You can also save your indicator preferences, so you do not have to reapply them every time you refresh the page.
Here are the instructions to save your indicator preference:
After you have selected an indicator, click on the Default button on the top left-corner of the Chart to save the template.
Once your indicator preference is saved, your preference will be reflected on all the new charts you launch. See example below.
How to Delete an Indicator Pane:
Hover your cursor over the pane you want to delete, and four icons will appear.
From the four icons, click on X to delete the pane from your Chart.
After deleting the pane, save your new template preference by clicking on the Default button.
Last updated