News Search
The News Component features two types of search bars to help users quickly find the information they need:
Ticker Search:
This search bar allows users to search for specific tickers of stocks. By entering the ticker, you can filter news articles to show only those related to that particular stock. This is useful when you want to focus on a specific company's news.
Keyword Search:
This search bar enables users to search for keywords within news headlines. By entering relevant keywords, you can filter news articles that contain those terms in their headlines. This is helpful when you are looking for news related to a specific event, topic, or trend across multiple stocks.
Here are the instructions on how to use these two types of Search Bars:
Ticker Search:
On the News Component. Click on the Search Bar located at the top Left. Type in a Ticker and Press Enter.
The News results will be filtered to show news for that particular stock.
Keyword Search:
On the News Component. Click on the Search Bar located at the top Right. Type in a Keyword and Press Enter.
The News results will be filtered to show news which contain that particular keyword in their headlines.
Note that in our example we have used the two search bars together to filter for a specific stock as well as a keyword. You can also use them separately.
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